Punica granatum (Dādim)
Punica granatum Family: Lythraceae Commonly known as pomegranate, it is revered for its medicinal and nutritional properties. The plant’s Sanskrit name, Dādim, highlights its significance in Ayurveda.
Sanskrit: Dādim, Anārka
Hindi: Anar
Tamil: Maathulai
Telugu: Daanimma
Malayalam: Maathalam
Kannada: Daalimbe
Bengali: Dalim
Gujarati: Daaram
Urdu: Anaar
English: Pomegranate
Persian: Anar
Punica granatum thrives in tropical to subtropical climates and is well-suited to arid and semi-arid regions. It is native to the Mediterranean region but is now cultivated widely in India, Iran, Afghanistan, China, and parts of the USA. The plant prefers well-drained, loamy soil with a pH of 5.5 to 7.5. It requires moderate watering and thrives under full sunlight. In India, it is cultivated extensively in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
Tree: A small deciduous or evergreen tree or shrub reaching 5-8 meters in height.
Leaves: Glossy, narrow, and oblong.
Flowers: Bright red to orange, trumpet-shaped.
Fruit: Round, with a thick leathery rind. The interior contains numerous seeds surrounded by juicy, edible arils.
Seeds: Hard and angular.
Pomegranate is found across tropical and subtropical regions. It thrives in India, Iran, Afghanistan, and Mediterranean countries, growing in orchards and sometimes as a fence plant.
Arils: Contain sugars (glucose, fructose), pectin, citric acid, malic acid, and ascorbic acid.
Seeds: Rich in polyphenols, tannins (ellagic acid, punicalagin), flavonoids, and anthocyanins.
Peel: Contains tannins, ellagic acid, and flavonoids.
Oil: From seeds, contains punicic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid.
Alkaloids: Present in the bark and root.
Rasa (Taste): Madhura (sweet), Amla (sour)
Guna (Quality): Laghu (light), Snigdha (unctuous)
Virya (Potency): Sheeta (cooling)
Vipaka (Post-digestive effect): Madhura (sweet)
Dosha Impact:
Balances Pitta and Kapha doshas.
When taken in moderation, it also supports Vata.
Digestive Disorders: Dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite.
Respiratory Disorders: Cough, asthma.
Cardiovascular Health: Hypertension, anemia.
Oral Health: Bleeding gums, mouth ulcers.
Skin Disorders: Wounds, acne, inflammation.
General Health: Antioxidant and rejuvenating properties.
Dādimadi Ghrita: Used for improving digestion and metabolism.
Chyavanprash: Acts as a rejuvenator and immunity booster.
Khadiradi Vati: Beneficial for oral health.
Dādimavleha: A formulation for dysentery and diarrhea.
Juice: 10-30 ml.
Powder (seed/peel): 3-6 g.
Dādimadi Ghrita: 5-10 g with warm water or milk.
Kapha: The light and unctuous properties reduce Kapha’s heaviness.
Pitta: The cooling nature soothes aggravated Pitta.
Vata: When balanced with sweet properties, it can stabilize Vata dosha.
Rasa Dhatu: Enhances nourishment and vitality.
Rakta Dhatu: Improves hemoglobin levels and purifies the blood.
Mamsa and Meda Dhatu: Promotes strength and proper fat metabolism.
Antioxidant: Reduces oxidative stress.
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces inflammation in skin and gut.
Hepatoprotective: Supports liver health.
Antimicrobial: Fights infections.
Anthelmintic: Effective against worms and parasites.
Diarrhea: Mix roasted pomegranate seed powder with honey and consume 1-2 g twice daily.
Cough: Boil pomegranate peel in water, strain, and sip to soothe the throat.
Oral Health: Gargle with pomegranate peel decoction for mouth ulcers.
Anemia: Regular intake of pomegranate juice boosts hemoglobin levels.
Overconsumption can lead to constipation.
Avoid in cases of severe cough with mucus stagnation (as it may aggravate Kapha).
Use cautiously during pregnancy; excessive intake might cause uterine contractions.
Punica granatum, or Dādim, stands as a cornerstone in Ayurveda due to its vast medicinal properties. Its role in balancing doshas, nourishing dhatus, and its pharmacological benefits make it indispensable. When used judiciously, it promotes health and combats various disorders. However, mindful consumption is essential to avoid potential contraindications.
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