Citrus limon (Jambīra)
Citrus limon Family: Rutaceae Commonly known as lemon, Jambīra holds a special place in Ayurveda for its medicinal, culinary, and aromatic properties.
Sanskrit: Jambīra, Nimbuka, Nimbū
Hindi: Nimbu
Tamil: Elumichai
Telugu: Nimma
Malayalam: Cherunaranga
Kannada: Nimbehannu
Bengali: Lebu
Gujarati: Limbu
Marathi: Limbu
Punjabi: Nimbu
Urdu: Nimbu
English: Lemon
Citrus limon grows well in tropical and subtropical climates. It requires well-drained sandy loam soil with a pH range of 5.5-7.5.
Propagation: Through seeds, cuttings, and grafting.
Regions: Widely cultivated in India, Mediterranean countries, Southeast Asia, and the Americas. In India, states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu are prominent producers.
Tree: A small, evergreen shrub or tree reaching a height of 3-6 meters.
Leaves: Glossy, green, and ovate with a mild citrus aroma.
Flowers: White with a slight pinkish hue, fragrant, and borne singly or in clusters.
Fruit: Oval to oblong with a bright yellow rind and juicy, acidic pulp.
Seeds: Few, ovate, and pale white.
Citrus limon is native to Asia, particularly India and China. It is cultivated worldwide for its fruits, essential oils, and medicinal uses.
Essential Oils: Limonene, citral, linalool.
Flavonoids: Hesperidin, diosmin, eriocitrin.
Vitamins: High in Vitamin C, along with Vitamin B-complex.
Acids: Citric acid, malic acid.
Minerals: Potassium, calcium, magnesium.
Other Compounds: Pectin, carbohydrates, and alkaloids.
Rasa (Taste): Amla (sour), Madhura (sweet)
Guna (Quality): Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry)
Virya (Potency): Ushna (hot)
Vipaka (Post-digestive effect): Madhura (sweet)
Dosha Impact:
Pacifies Vata and Kapha.
May mildly aggravate Pitta if consumed excessively.
Digestive Disorders: Relieves indigestion, acidity, bloating, and nausea.
Respiratory Ailments: Useful in colds, coughs, asthma, and bronchitis.
Skin Conditions: Treats acne, blemishes, and pigmentation.
Urinary Disorders: Helps in managing burning urination and urinary tract infections.
Liver Health: Detoxifies and supports liver function.
General Health: Acts as a rejuvenator and immunity booster.
Jambīra Swarasa: Fresh lemon juice used in treating digestive issues.
Hingvashtak Churna: A digestive formula where lemon juice is often combined.
Eladi Churna: Used for respiratory and digestive health.
Avipattikar Churna: Supports proper digestion and alleviates hyperacidity.
Juice: 10-20 ml diluted with water.
Powder (rind): 1-2 g.
Decoction: 20-50 ml.
Vata: Its sour and sweet taste, along with light qualities, helps stabilize Vata disorders.
Kapha: The drying and hot properties reduce excess Kapha, especially in respiratory and digestive issues.
Pitta: If consumed in moderation, it balances digestion and metabolic processes, but excessive use can increase Pitta.
Rasa Dhatu: Enhances taste perception, hydrates, and supports digestive juices.
Mamsa Dhatu: Improves muscle tone by aiding in proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Meda Dhatu: Helps in reducing excess fat and toxins.
Digestive: Enhances appetite, relieves acidity, and promotes proper digestion.
Antimicrobial: Fights bacterial and viral infections.
Expectorant: Clears respiratory passages and alleviates congestion.
Antioxidant: Prevents oxidative stress and supports immunity.
Hepatoprotective: Detoxifies and supports liver health.
Acidity: Mix the juice of one lemon with warm water and a pinch of rock salt; consume before meals.
Cold and Cough: Combine lemon juice with honey and ginger; take 1 tsp thrice daily.
Skin Brightening: Apply lemon juice diluted with rose water to the face for acne and blemishes.
Hair Dandruff: Use lemon juice mixed with coconut oil as a pre-wash treatment.
Weight Loss: Start the day with warm water, lemon juice, and honey.
Excessive consumption can lead to hyperacidity, enamel erosion, or irritation of the stomach lining.
Avoid in individuals with active gastric ulcers or acid reflux.
Use cautiously in people with sensitive skin due to potential irritation.
Overuse in Pitta-dominant individuals may lead to imbalance.
Citrus limon, or Jambīra, is a versatile medicinal plant celebrated in Ayurveda for its ability to balance doshas, detoxify the body, and enhance immunity. Its wide range of applications in digestive, respiratory, and skin health makes it invaluable. However, it must be used in moderation to avoid side effects, ensuring its efficacy and safety.
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