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Classical ayurveda medicines- Churna

Churnas in Ayurveda refer to powdered herbal formulations that combine various herbs, spices, and minerals to create a blend tailored to address specific health concerns. These churnas are versatile and can be incorporated into home remedies for various purposes. However, it’s crucial to use churnas under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure proper dosage and suitability for individual constitutions. Here are some insights into using churnas in home remedies:

  1. Triphala Churna:

    • Usage: Triphala Churna is a well-known digestive tonic and antioxidant.
    • Method: It can be taken with warm water before bedtime to support digestion, regulate bowel movements, and promote detoxification.
  2. Hingwastak Churna:

    • Usage: Hingwastak Churna is commonly used for digestive issues and flatulence.
    • Method: Mixing a small amount with warm water and consuming it after meals may help alleviate bloating and digestive discomfort.
  3. Chitrakadi Vati:

    • Usage: Chitrakadi Vati is known for its digestive and carminative properties.
    • Method: Taking a small amount with honey or warm water before meals may aid digestion and stimulate appetite.
  4. Ashwagandha Churna:

    • Usage: Ashwagandha Churna is valued for its adaptogenic and rejuvenating properties.
    • Method: Consuming it with warm milk or honey may help manage stress, enhance vitality, and promote overall well-being.
  5. Sitopaladi Churna:

    • Usage: Sitopaladi Churna is often used for respiratory health and cough.
    • Method: Combining it with honey and consuming it can be soothing for respiratory discomfort and may aid in managing cough.
  6. Shatavari Churna:

    • Usage: Shatavari Churna is known for its benefits for women’s health and reproductive well-being.
    • Method: Mixing it with warm milk or incorporating it into a beverage may support hormonal balance and reproductive health.
  7. Trikatu Churna:

    • Usage: Trikatu Churna, a blend of ginger, black pepper, and long pepper, is often used for digestive support.
    • Method: Mixing a small amount with honey or warm water before meals may enhance digestion and metabolism.
  8. Bhringraj Churna:

    • Usage: Bhringraj Churna is traditionally used for hair health and may help with hair growth.
    • Method: Creating a paste with water or oil and applying it to the scalp can be a natural remedy for hair-related concerns.
  9. Arjuna Churna:

    • Usage: Arjuna Churna is known for its cardiovascular benefits.
    • Method: Consuming it with warm water may support heart health and maintain normal blood pressure.
  10. Neem Churna:

    • Usage: Neem Churna is valued for its antibacterial and detoxifying properties.
    • Method: Incorporating it into a face pack or consuming it with honey may be beneficial for skin health.

Always remember to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before using churnas or any herbal remedies, as individual constitution and health conditions vary. Proper guidance ensures that the chosen churna is suitable for your specific needs and dosages are appropriate.

Apamarg Churna


  • Apamarg Plant


  • Achyranthes aspera Juice – 1-2 teaspoon juice diluted with water once a day.
  • Achyranthes aspera Churna – ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Achyranthes aspera Capsule – 1-2 capsules twice a day.


Chardi, Hridroga, Adhmãna, Kandü, sula, Udara, Apaci, Raktaras, Visücikã, Krimi, Sidhma, Sadyo vrana, Mutrakrcchra Anaemia, piles, fistula, menorrhagia


  • Apamarg is generally not recommended for pregnant ladies and infants. .
  • Apamarg should be avoided or taken under medical supervision during breastfeeding.
  • Long-term use of this medicine might affect the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • The leaves or root paste of Apamarga should be used with water, milk, or any cooling substance while applying on the skin due to its hot potency.

Ashwagandha Churna


  • Sauvarchala Lavana Unaqua sodium chloride ( Black Salt) 1 part
  • Ajaji (Sveta Jiraka) Cuminum cyminum Linn Dry seed 1 part
  • Vrkshamla ( Garcinia Indica) Chois. Fruit 1 part
  • Amlavetasa Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. Fruit 1 part
  • Twak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume. Stem Bark ½ part
  • Ela (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) Seed ½ part
  • Maricha Piper(nigrum Linn.) Dried fruit ½ part
  • Sarkara Saccharam officinarum Linn Sugar 1 part


1. Ashwagandha Tablets
Take 1 Ashwagandha tablet or as prescribed by the doctor
with warm milk or water after taking food twice a day.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules
Take 1 Ashwagandha capsule or as prescribes by the doctor
with warm milk or water after taking food twice a day.

3. Ashwagandha Powder (Churna)
a. With milk or honey
Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon Ashwagandha powder (churna) with milk or honey or as prescribed by the doctor.

b. Ashwagandha Tea
i. Add 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder to 2 cups of water.
ii. Bring it to a boil.
iii. Boil until it reduces to 1/2 of the original quantity.
iv. Add some milk and honey to it.
v. Drink once a day.
vi. You can skip honey in case of high blood sugar level.

c. Ashwagandha Milkshake
i. Roast 4 tablespoons of Ashwagandha powder (churna) in 1 cup of pure ghee.
ii. Add 1-2 teaspoon honey to it.
iii. To consume, add 1 teaspoon of this powder to 1 glass of cold milk.
iv. Blend it well and drink immediately for better taste.
v. You can store this mixture in the refrigerator and use when needed[29].
vi. Skip honey in case of high blood sugar level.

d. Ashwagandha Ladoo
i. Take 2 tablespoons of Ashwagandha powder (churna).
ii. Add 1 tablespoon of jaggery powder to it.
iii. Add a pinch of black salt and pepper to the mixture to enhance the taste.
iv. Knead the mixture evenly and properly.
v. Make round shape laddu with the above mixture in a circular motion between your palms[30].
vi. You can store them in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

e. Ashwagandha Shrikhand
i. Take 250 gms thick curd.
ii. Put the curd in a muslin cloth to drain all the water to get hung curd.
iii. Remove the hung curd from muslin cloth and keep it in the refrigerator.
iv. Divide the hung curd into 4 parts.
v. Add sugar/honey as per your taste and 1 tablespoon Ashwagandha powder to each part.
vi. You can also add some dry fruits and cardamom powder to enhance its taste.
vii. Knead each portion well to make it smooth.
viii. Cool it in the refrigerator for some time.
ix. You can replace sugar or honey with jaggery[31].


  • Hypervigilance
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts
  • Fatigue or sweating
  • Lack of concentration
  • Racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts
  • Fatigue or sweating
  • Excessive worry
  • Fear
  • The feeling of impending doom
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • ·Palpitations or trembling


  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Autoimmune diseases (conditions where the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues)
  • Recent surgery or an upcoming surgical procedure
  • Thyroid disorders

Ashtangalavana Churna


  • Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) – Terminalia Chebula
  • Bibhitaki (Bahera or Beleric Myrobalan) – Terminalia Bellirica
  • Amla (Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry) – Emblica Officinalis
  • Sonth (dried ginger) – Zingiber officinale
  • Kali Marich (Black Pepper) – Piper Nigrum
  • Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper Longum
  • Ela (Green Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum
  • Tejpatta (Indian Bay Leaf) – Cinnamomum Tamala
  • Laung (Clove) – Syzygium Aromaticum
  • Mustaka (Nut Grass) – Cyperus Rotundus
  • Vaividang (False Black Pepper) – Embelia Ribes
  • Nishoth (Turpeth) – Operculina Turpethum
  • Misri (candy sugar – crystallized sugar lumps)


1.Take 3-4 grams of Churna twice daily after meals.

2.Swallow with lukewarm water.

3.If you want to use it as a laxative then it is advisable to take it once at bedtime.


Digestive Health

  • Acidity
  • Chronic Gastritis
  • GERD
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion

Kidneys & Urinary System

  • Urinary Problems
  • Difficulty In Micturition
  • Kidney Stones
  • Nephritis
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Uremia (raised urea level in the blood) – In Kidney failure
  • Chronic Kidney failure


  •  One must take extra precautions while giving it to pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and elderly as they might develop a few harmful reactions in the body.
  • Without consulting a doctor, people should not use avipattikar churna to self-medicate themselves.

Avipattikar Churna


  • Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) – Terminalia Chebula
  • Bibhitaki (Bahera or Beleric Myrobalan) – Terminalia Bellirica
  • Amla (Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry) – Emblica Officinalis
  • Sonth (dried ginger) – Zingiber officinale
  • Kali Marich (Black Pepper) – Piper Nigrum
  • Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper Longum
  • Ela (Green Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum
  • Tejpatta (Indian Bay Leaf) – Cinnamomum Tamala
  • Laung (Clove) – Syzygium Aromaticum
  • Mustaka (Nut Grass) – Cyperus Rotundus
  • Vaividang (False Black Pepper) – Embelia Ribes
  • Nishoth (Turpeth) – Operculina Turpethum
  • Misri (candy sugar – crystallized sugar lumps)


1.Take 3-4 grams of Churna twice daily after meals.

2.Swallow with lukewarm water.

3.If you want to use it as a laxative then it is advisable to take it once at bedtime.


Digestive Health

  • Acidity
  • Chronic Gastritis
  • GERD
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion

Kidneys & Urinary System

  • Urinary Problems
  • Difficulty In Micturition
  • Kidney Stones
  • Nephritis
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Uremia (raised urea level in the blood) – In Kidney failure
  • Chronic Kidney failure


  •  One must take extra precautions while giving it to pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and elderly as they might develop a few harmful reactions in the body.
  • Without consulting a doctor, people should not use avipattikar churna to self-medicate themselves.

Dadimashtaka Churna


SiNoSanskrit nameBotanical Name/ Common nameQuantity
1TawaksheeriCurcuma angustifolia1 Part
2TwakCinnamum zeylanicum2 Parts
3PatraCinnamomum tamala2 Parts
4ElaElettaria cardamomum2 Parts
5NagakesaraMesua ferrea2 Parts
6AjamodaCarum roxburghianum2 Parts
7DhanyakaCoriandrum sativum2 Parts
8Ajaji(Swetha jeeraka)Cuminum cyminum2 Parts
9Granthi(Pippali moola)Piper longum(Root)2 Parts
10ShuntiZingiber officinalis2 Parts
11marichaPiper nigrum2 Parts
12PippaliPiper longum2 Parts
13DadimaPunica granatum(Pericarp)2 Parts
14SitaSuger16 Parts


3-5 gm of churna twice or thrice a day with buttermilk or honey one hour before a meal or as directed by a physician.


Useful in treating Diarrhoea, amoebic dysentery, indigestion and loss of appetite.


  • Keep away from the sight of children.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.

Dasansamskara Churna


  • Clove
  • Mustaka
  • Haritaki
  • Ginger


To use as dant manjan once or twice a day Unit


Toothache, loose gums, bleeding gums, pyorrhea & other dental disorders.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Hingvashtak Churna


  50gms   Cuminum cyminum (cumin)

 50gms   Ferula foetida (asafoetida)

 50gms       Zingiber officinale (ginger)

 50gms       Piper nigrum (black pepper)

5ogms        Piper longum (long pepper)

50gms        Nigella sativa (fennel)

50gms        Trachyspermum ammi (carom seed/ajwain)

50gms        Saindhava Lavana (rock salt)


Hingwashtak Churna Powder – 1.5-2gm twice a day or as directed by the physician


  • Flatulance
  • Dyspepsia
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Detention of wind in intestine
  • Loss of Taste


  • There is a lack of safety data about the use of Hingwashtak Churna in humans. Therefore, it should be used under the supervision of a doctor.  
  • There is no safety data about its use in pregnant and lactating women. Pregnant women are advised to take it under the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician. 

Katphal Churna


  • katphal
  • mustakka
  • tikta
  • shati
  • srngi
  • pushkarmool


As directed by the physician.


  • (fever)
  • (cough)
  • (asthma)
  • (anorexia)
  • (vomiting)
  • (pain)


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Lavanbhaskar Churna


Black Pepper
  • Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
  • Drugs, which help in reducing muscle pain and spas,
  • Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
  • Substances that promotes liver function and prevent liver damage.
  • Drugs that kill or arrest the growth of bacteria.
  • Drugs used in the treatment of dysentry, an inflammation of the gut caused by infectious microbes.
  • Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
  • Drugs that improve liver function and protect it from infections
  • Drugs that kill or arrest the growth of bacteria.
  • Drugs used to reduce swelling after an injury
  • Agents which improve the desire to eat
  • Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
  • Drugs that improve liver function and protect it from infections
  • Substances that increases secretion of gastric juice which is beneficial in stimulating the digestive system.
  • Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
  • Agents or drugs which are used to treat gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Substances which are effective in eliminating stomach or intestinal gas.
  • Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
  • Drugs that are used for reducing acidity of the stomach.
  • Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
  • Agents that relieve muscle spasms.
  • Drugs which aid in the elimination of excess gas from the GIT.
  • Drugs, which help in reducing muscle pain and spas,
  • Agents used for supressing or treating gastric ulcers.
  • Substances which help in improving appetite
  • Substances possessing a strong pleasant smell.
  • Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
  • Drugs that are used for reducing acidity of the stomach.
Bay leaf
  • Drugs, which help in reducing muscle pain and spas,
  • Substances which are effective in eliminating stomach or intestinal gas.
  • Substances that soothe the stomach and improve digestion.
Black Salt
  • Drugs or medications that improve the process of digestion and food absorption.
  • Agents that eases the passage of stools and promotes bowel movement, used for the treatment of constipation.
  • Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
  • Substances which are effective in eliminating stomach or intestinal gas.


One teaspoon (3g) thrice a day in water after food or as directed by the physician


  • Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
  • Antioxidant
  • Antitussive
  • Antiflatulent
  • Carminative
  • Antispasmodic
  • Cholagogue
  • Appetizer
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Mild laxative
  • Mild Diuretic


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Panchkol Churna


  • Pippli
  • Pipal Mool
  • Chavya
  • Chitrak Mool
  • Sounth


Take 1-3g of Divya Panchkol Churna twice or thrice daily after meals with water or honey or as directed by the physician


It is useful in anorexia, indigestion and abdominal colic pain.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Amla Churna


Patanjali Amla Churna is enriched with herbal goodness. The key content of this dietary supplement is the Indian Gooseberry. Let us checkout what makes this fruit so special in Ayurveda.


Take 2-5g twice a day with lukewarm water or honey or as directed by the physician


Hyperglycemia, weak immunity, constipation, indigestion, hair fall, cold etc.


  • For some allergic people, intake of Amla products can increase the risk of bleeding. 
  • For a diabetic patient, Amla should be taken with proper precautions as its intake can drastically drop blood sugar levels.
  • The dosage of Amla juice can lead to dryness of the skin.
  • Amal should be avoided during coughing or aggravated Kapha problems.
  • Amla is not recommended during and after surgery, as it might increase the risk of bleeding. 

Arjuna Twak churna


Sanskrit nameBotanical Name
Arjuna(Bark)Terminalia arjuna


Arjuna Powder – 3-6 g or as per your requirement.


It is good cardiotonic, improves the strength of the cardiac muscle, post heart attack, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.


  • There are no safety studies about its usage in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Therefore, it should be used only with the doctor’s advice and supervision in pregnant and nursing women.   
  • There are no safety studies about its usage in children.  
  • Arjunarishta is known to contain alcohol which is self-generated during the fermentation process.  

Balchaturbhadrika Churna


  • Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
  • A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
  • Substances that promotes liver function and prevent liver damage.
  • A medicine or an agent which destroyes or suppresses the growth of bacteria.
  • Drugs used to reduce swelling after an injury
  • Drugs which lower body temperature and are used during a fever
  • Agents, which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
  • Agents which improve the desire to eat
  • Substances that improve digestive processes.
  • Substances which are used to supress cough and reducing its severity
  • Agents which promote the secretion of phlegm from the respiratory tract
  • Substances that can stimulate or reduce the action of immune system molecules in the body.
  • Substances that increases secretion of gastric juice which is beneficial in stimulating the digestive system.
  • Agents used for the treatment of fevers.
  • Drugs which help in the management of diarrhoea symptoms by reducing gastric motility
  • A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
  • Drugs which aid in the elimination of excess gas from the GIT.
  • An agent or medicine that promotes the secretion of phlegm, mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Substances that promotes liver function and prevent liver damage.


0.25 gm (for age: 1 year ), 0.5 gm (1-8 years), 1 gm (8-15 years) of churna thrice a day with honey depending on weight of child or as directed by a physician.


  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal distension or bloating
  • Infantile colic and abdominal pain
  • Common cold
  • Cough
  • Problems occurring during teething


  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Eladi Churna


S. NoSanskrit NameBotanical NameParts UsedQty
1Elayugma (each)
 KshudraliaElettaria cardamomumDr.Fr0.369 g
BrihatAmomum subulatumDr.Fr0.369 g
2TurushkaLiquidamber orientalisSt.0.369 g
3KushtaSaussurea lappaRt.0.369 g
4PhaliniCallicarpa macrophyllaFl.0.369 g
5MamsiNardostachys grandifloraRt.0.369 g
6JalaColeus vettiveroides Rt.0.369 g
7DhyamakaAndropogon martiniiRt.0.369 g
8SprikkaDelphinium zalilRt.0.369 g
9ChorakaCinnamomum verumRt.0.369 g
10ChochaAngelica glaucaRt.0.369 g
11PatraPogostemon cablinLf.0.369 g
12TagaraValeriana wallichiiRt.0.369 g
13SthauneyaTaxus baccataLf.0.369 g
14JatiMyristica FragransFr.0.369 g
15RasaCommiphora myrrhaExd.0.369 g
16SukthiDolichos lablabSd.0.369 g
17VyaghranakhaMartynia annuaPl.0.369 g
18AmarahwaCedrus deoderaHt. Wd.0.369 g
19AguruAquilaria agallochaHt. Wd.0.369 g
20SrivasakaPinus longifoliaHt. Wd.0.369 g
21ChandaCostus speciosusRt.0.369 g
22GugguluCommiphora mukulExd.0.369 g
23DevadhoopaShorea robustaExd.0.369 g
24KhapuraBoswellia sserrataExd.0.369 g
25PunnagaCalophyllum inophyllumFr.0.369 g
26NagahwaMesua ferreaFl.0.369 g
27KumkumamCrocus sativusStmn.0.367 g


1/4-1/2tsf with honey or milk or sugar.once or twice as suggested by ayurvedic physician.


  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal colic
  • Anorexia
  • Vomiting
  • Throat irritation
  • Cough
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Increased salivation


  • Keep it out of the reach of children.
  • Do not exceed the recommended usage.
  • Do not use if any underlying condition exists.
  • For external use only.
  • This product is not intended to cure, treat, diagnose or prevent any diseases. 

Panchnimba Churna


  • Pichumarda Tvak (Nimba) (St. Bk.) 2 Parts
  • Pichumarda phala (Nimba) (Fr.) 2 Parts
  • Pichumarda Patra (Nimba) (Lf.) 2 Parts
  • Pichumarda mula (Nimba) (Rt.) 2 Parts
  • Pichumarda pushpa (Nimba) (Fl.) 2 Parts
  • Haritaki (P.) 1 Part
  • Bibhitaka (P.) 1 Part
  • Amalaki (P.) 1 Part
  • Shunthi (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Maricha (Fr.) 1 Part
  • Pippali (Fr.) 1 Part
  • Brahmi (Pl.) 1 Part
  • Gokshura (Fr.) 1 Part
  • Shuddha Bhallataka (Fr.) 1 Part
  • Agnika (Chitraka) (Rt.) 1 Part
  • Vidanga sara (Vidanga) (Fr.) 1 Part
  • Varahi (Rt.Tr.) 1 Part
  • Lauha chrna (Lauha bhasma) 1 Part
  • Amrita (Guduci) (St.) 1 Part
  • Haridra (Rz.) 1 Part
  • Daruharidra (St.) 1 Part
  • Avalaguja (Bakuci) (Sd.) 1 Part
  • Vyadhighata (Aragvadha) (Fr.P.) 1 Part
  • sharkara 1 Part
  • Kushtha (Rt.) 1 Part
  • IndraYava (Kutaja) (Sd.) 1 Part
  • Patha (Rt.) 1 Part
  • Khadira Ghana kvatha (1) (Ht.Wd.) Q.S. for Bhavana times
  • Asana Ghana kvatha (Ht.Wd.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  • Nimba Ghana kvatha (St.Bk.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  • Panchanimba kvatha Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times
  • Markava svarasa (Bhringaraja) (Pl.) Q.S. for Bhavana 7 times


1/2 – 1 teaspoon twice a day after the meal with water or milk or as directed by a physician.


Allergic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, bacterial infection, acne and pruritis.


  • Neem can act as a refrigerant and can lower the temperature of a specific tissue or even the entire body.Use caution if cold is a key player in any given condition. Discontinue use and consult your health care practitioner if there are any signs of nausea, vomiting, loose stools, or excess hunger. While neem has certainly stood the test of time and has been deemed safe with appropriate and moderate use, it remains a powerful herb and should be used with respect, particularly when taken internally.Because herb/drug interactions have not been researched extensively, exercise caution when combining neem with prescription drugs.
  • Some data suggests to avoid the use of neem while taking acetaminophen.
  • Neem may intensify the effect of medications aimed at lowering blood pressure or blood sugar,causing blood sugar and blood pressure to drop.

Gandhaka Rasayana


  • Sita (Saccharum officinarum) – 4.000 gms
  • Shuddha Gandhaka (purified Sulphur) -1.000 gms
  • Ghritam (Ghee) – 1.333 ml
  • Ela (Elletaria cardamomum) – 1.600 gms
  • Twak (Cinnamomum verum)  – 1.600 gms
  • Patra (Cinnamomum tamala) – 1.600 gms
  • Nagakesara (Mesua ferrea ) – 1.600 gms
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) -1.600 gms
  • Pathya (Terminalia chebula) – 1.600 gms
  • Aksha (Terminalia bellirica) -1.600 gms
  • Dhatri (Phyllanthus emblica) – 1.600 gms
  • Aushadha/Shunti (Zingiber officinale) – 1.600 gms
  • Bhringaraja (Eclipta prostrata) – 1.600 gms
  • Ardraka (Zingiber officinale) – 4.000 ml


125 to 1000mg of Gandhak Rasayan should be consumed once or twice in a day. The highest daily dosage that should be utilised should not go above 2g. The body may experience loose stools and an upset stomach if it consumed more than required in a day.


Acts well on all skin diseases. Puts off mercurial effects. Cures itching sensation, eruptions, tumors, spots, leprosy and fistula-in-Ano.


Since there is insufficient information available on the safety and efficacy of Gandhak Rasayan during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is best to avoid this rasayan in these groups.  

Shankhapushpi Churna


Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)                                 50 mg

Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)          200 mg

Sugar (Sarkara)                                                     8000 mg

Citric Acid (Nimbu swaras)                                 6 mg


  • Shankhpushpi Powder – ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Shankhpushpi Juice – 2-4 teaspoons once or twice a day.
  • Shankhpushpi Capsule – 1-2 capsules twice a day.
  • Shankhpushpi Tablet – 1-2 tablets twice a day.


  • Learning problems
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Mental Fatigue
  • ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • Delay brain milestones in children
  • Insomnia
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


  • Long term diseases– In patients who are on medication(s) for long term diseases like chronic kidney diseases, heart diseases, sugar disease etc. Shankpushpi should be consumed only after consulting his or her doctor who is treating the chronic disease. 
  • Pregnancy and breast feeding– Even in pregnancy and during breast feeding, a doctor must be consulted before starting intake of herbal plant or its compounds.
  • Low blood pressure– Caution must be exercise before starting the herb in a person with low blood pressure. Due to its blood pressure lowering activity, shankpushpi combined with existing prescription medicines may cause low blood pressure and dizziness

Satavari Churna


  • Sarasapogenin
  • Shatavarin
  • Asparagines
  • Tyrosine
  • Flavonoids
  • Vitamins
  • Anti oxidants
  • Folic acid


  • Shatavari Juice – 2-3 teaspoons once a day.
  • Shatavari Churna – ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Shatavari Capsule – 1-2 Capsules twice a day.
  • Shatavari Tablet – 1-2 Tablets twice a day.
  • Shatavari Syrup – 1-2 teaspoon twice a day.


General Debility, Weakness and Loss of Immunity Helpful in Useful in General Debility, Weakness and Loss of Immunity


There is insufficient evidence to say whether Asparagus racemosus is safe to consume during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consult a physician to be on the safer side before using it

Swadishtavirechan Churna


  • Shudhha Gandhak (Purified sulfur)
  • Yashtimadhu
  • Mishreya
  • Sanaay
  • Sharkara


  • Children- 50 to 100 mg per kg in weight. Per day
  • Adult- 3 to 6 gm per day
  • Geriatric- 3 gm per day
  • Pregnant – In case of pregnancy, medicines should be taken only under the supervision of a registered practitioner.


  •  Useful in constipation.
  •  dyspepsia
  •  Headache
  •  piles
  •  skin diseases and
  •  purification of blood 


This product contains sugar/Mishri, Diabetes patients should consume this product only under medical supervision

Agnimukha Churna


  • Roasted Asafetida, hing
  • Acorus Calamus, Vacha
  • Zingiber Officinale, Sonth
  • Piper Longum, Pippali
  • Trachyspermum Ammi, Ajwain
  • Terminalia Chebula, Haritaki
  • Saussurea Lappa, Kuth or Kushta
  • Plumbago Zeylanica, Chitrakmool
  • Jirak, Marich, Menthol, Bid Lavan, and Lemon Juice


3 grams, once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor preferably with curd or warm water.


  • Loss of appetite
  • Flatulence
  • Bloating or abdominal distension
  • Intestinal gas
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Spleen disorder
  • Non-bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Abdominal pain due to gas


  • There is no harm due to consuming agnimukh churna and no side effects have been observed.
  • This powder should be consumed in prescribed quantity and it should be given in small quantity to children.
  • The potency of this powder is hot and it is bile enhancer, so pregnant women should not consume this powder.
  • Excessive intake may increase bile, irritation in stomach and urine, bleading disorder, mouth ulcers, and ulcer problems.

Ashvagandhadi Churna


The churna is a simple mix of Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) and Vidhara (Argyreia Speciosa). Combining these two makes it a recommended medicine for male sexual problems.

Apart from these two, some other noteworthy ingredients are:

  • Shunthi (dry ginger powder)
  • Maricha (black pepper)
  • Pippali (dried catkins)
  • Mishri (raw sugar)


The dosage should be as per health condition, age and as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor or practitioner. It is usually taken as 3 grams, 2 to 3 times a day for adults. It can be consumed with warm milk and should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning or at night before going to sleep.


  • Generalized weakness
  • low sexual drive
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Internal as well as external stress
  • Low immune system
  • Body pains
  • Low energy
  • Vata problem
  • It has many significant benefits but best known for its powerful adaptogenic properties. It means that it helps mind & body adapt better to stress.
  • It is good for people who do physical labor / exercise a lot, so that the body could adapt to physical stress.
  • It nourishes your nerves and improves nerve function to help you maintain calm during stressful situation.
  • It nourishes all your bodily tissues, including the joints & nerves.
  • It is very powerful rasayana which means that it acts as an overall tonic for greater vitality & longevity.
  • It is also very powerful medhya rasayana which means that it enhances all three aspects of mind power comprehension, memory and Smriti.
  • It nourishes the crucial mind – body connection & psychoneuro immune response.
  • It balances the Prana Vata. This is essential for happiness in the face of mental, emotional stress.
  • It helps you coordinating the mind & senses as well, which is very essential for quality sleep.
  • Ashwagandha increases the quality & quantity of Vigor (ojas) who is the master coordinator between body & consciousness. It helps pure consciousness slide into the physiology.
  • Ashwagandha enhances virility & has aphrodisiac properties, especially for men.
  • Ashwagandha has a Sothara effect, which means it helps clear impurities (Ama) from the various channels of the human body.
  • Ashwagandha is considered among the best of all substances for balancing Vata. Ashwagandha also pacifies Kapha at the same time, which is a very rare combination.
  • Ashwagandha is well known for its powerful immune enhancing benefits.


  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Autoimmune diseases (conditions where the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues)
  • Recent surgery or an upcoming surgical procedure
  • Thyroid disorders

Lavangadi Churna


  • Lavanga / Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Tankan Bhasma (Borax)
  • Musta / Nut grass (Cyperus rotundus)
  • Dhataki / Fire flame bush (Woodfordia fruticosa)
  • Bilva / Bael (Aegle marmelos)
  • Dhanyaka / Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
  • Copal Tree (Vateria indica)
  • Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
  • Indian dill (Peucedanum graveolens)
  • Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
  • Saindhav (Rock Salt)
  • Mocharasa (Bombax malabaricum)
  • Utpala (Nymphaea stellate)
  • Rasanjana (Berberis aristata)
  • Abhraka Bhasma (Calcined formation of Mica)
  • Vanga Bhasma (Calcined formation of Tin)
  • Lajjalu/Touch me not (Mimosa pudica)
  • Red Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus)
  • Chavya (Piper retrofractum)
  • Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)
  • Shringi (Citrulus colocynthis)
  • Khadira / heart wood (Acacia catechu)
  • Balaka (Pavonia odorata)
  • Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba)


3 grams to 6 grams along with honey twice daily as prescribed by your doctor.


Cough, cold, loss of appetite, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and diarrhea.


  •   Measures must be taken to ensure that the therapeutic dosage limit is not exceeded.8   
  • Since there are no safety studies available for use of Lavangadi vati in pregnant or lactating women, caution must be exercise before use in such persons.  
  • There is lack of safety data for use of Lavangadi vati in children. Please talk to your Ayurvedic physician before giving it to children.  

Musli Churna


  • 16 parts Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum)
  • 16 parts Ghrita or Cow’s Ghee
  • 50 parts Mishri or Sugar
  • 200 parts Dugdha or Cow’s Milk
  • 8 parts Sautéed Mochras (Semal Gond)
  • 2 parts Chironji – Buchanania lanzan
  • 2 parts Jaiphal (Nutmeg) – Myristica fragrans
  • 2 parts Coconut (Nariyal) – Coco nucifera
  • 2 parts Almonds (Badam) – Prunus dulcis
  • 2 parts Kesar (Saffron) – Crocus sativus
  • 2 parts Jatamansi (Spikenard) – Nardostachys Jatamansi
  • 2 parts Kaunch Beej (Velvet bean) – Mucuna pruriens
  • 2 parts Dalchini (Cinnamon) – Cinnamomum verum
  • 2 parts Laung (Clove) – Syzigium aromaticum
  • 2 parts Elaichi (Cardamom) – Elettaria Cardamomum
  • 2 parts Tumbaru (Toothache Tree) – Zanthoxylum alatum
  • 2 parts Tejpata (Bay Leaves) – Cinnamomum tamala
  • 2 parts Nagkeshar – Mesua ferrea
  • 2 parts Sonth (Dry Ginger) – Zingiber officinalis
  • 2 parts Kali Mirch (Black Pepper) – Piper nigrum
  • 2 parts Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum
  • 2 parts Javitri (Mace) – Myristica fragrans


  • Safed Musli Churna – ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Safed Musli Capsule – 1-2 capsule twice a day.


  •  Combats Sexual Problems –  Safed Musli has been used for ages to cure certain sexual difficulties such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Also, the herb serves as a tonic to increase sexual libido.  Safed Musli benefits also include alleviating frigidity and vaginal dryness in females. 
  • Immune Booster –  Safed Musli is a nutrient-rich herb. It can boost overall health and combat general weakness by instilling more vitality. 
  • Diarrhea Treatment –  One of the benefits of Safed Musli is its role concerning digestive issues such as diarrhea and dysentery. They can be effectively tackled by consumption of Safed Musli. 
  • Treats Throat and Mouth Infections –  The root powder of Safed Musli can be deep fried in clarified butter (ghee) and consumed to alleviate throat and mouth infections. 
  • Can be Used as a Stress Buster and an Antioxidant
  • General Health Tonic –  Safed Musli has stimulant properties and serves as an overall tonic. 
  • Treats Arthritis –  Safed Musli has anti-inflammatory properties which can treat joint pains, rheumatism, and arthritis. It aids the production of synovial fluid and stops further degradation of the joints. 
  • Addresses Sleeping Disorders like Insomnia –  Safed Musli’s mind-calming properties are said to cure sleeping disorders and the associated stress, anxiety and depression. 
  • Helps fight fatigue –  The many nutrients present in Safed Musli provide strength to the body and eliminates fatigue. It is an effective treatment for individuals who get tired easily.  
  • Treats Diabetes –  Safed Musli is a powerful antioxidant. Its hyperglycaemic effect is useful in treating diabetic patients by managing blood sugar levels. However, according to Ayurveda, this herb should be consumed only by thin and skinny diabetic patients. 
  • Good for Lactating Mothers –  Safed Musli acts as a galactagogue. The herb when mixed with sugarcane brown sugar and cumin enhances milk supply in breastfeeding mothers. 
  • Used in Bodybuilding –  Safed Musli benefits in muscle growth, tissue restoration and recovery making it an ideal supplement for bodybuilding. 


  • Safed musli consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding may be detrimental to the baby. It may impair the baby’s development. 
  • Safed musli should not be consumed by women who are pregnant or nursing. 

Navayasa Churna


S. No.Sanskrit nameBotanical Name/ Common nameQuantity
1ShuntiZingiber officinalis1 Part
2PippaliPiper longum1 Part
3MarichaPiper nigrum1 Part
4HaritakiTerminalia chebula1 Part
5VibitakiTerminalia bellirica1 Part
6AmalakiEmblica officinalis1 Part
7MusthaCyperus rotundus1 Part
8VidangaEmbelia ribes1 Part
9ChitrakaPlumbago zeylanicum1 Part
10Ayoraja(loha bhasma)Iron oxide9 Parts


1 grams along with honey, hot water, boiled buttermilk or ghee, once or twice daily after food or as advised by Ayurvedic doctor.


Iron deficiency anaemia , jaundice, diabetes mellitus,vitiligo


Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

Sarasvata Churna


  • Kushta (Saussurea lappa)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Saindhava (Rock Salt)
  • Ajamoda  (Trachyspermum ammi)
  • Cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum)
  • Krishnajiraka (Nigella sativa)
  • Dry ginger (Zingiber officinalis)
  • Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Patha (Cyclea peltata)
  • Vacha (Acorus calamus)
  • Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)
  • Juice extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) whole plant


1 teaspoonful with milk or water or Baidyanath Brahmi Ghrit or Baidyanath Shankhaushpi syrup.


Used in mania, loss of concentration, epilepsy, anxiety, irritability, depression.


Before using saraswatarishta or any other herbs for their properties, you need to consult with your healthcare provider. They will be able to guide you better about the possible precautions you need to take to avoid unwanted side effects. General precautions may be followed while taking any herb.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding women: There is insufficient information on the safe usage of saraswatarishta during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Avoid using saraswatarishta during these times to be on the safe side.

Older people: There are no sufficient data available on the safety of saraswatarishta in older people. Consult your doctor before taking saraswatarishta.

Children: Children are sensitive and people need to be extra cautious while giving saraswatarishta to small children.

Shringyadi Churna


  • Kakrashringi (Pistacia integerrima)


Take 3 grams thrice a day with warm water.


Chronic lung. . .

Shringyadi Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal powder form. It is used in treatment of cough, fever and vomiting in children. It is a simple combination of three herbs.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Trikatu Churna


1 part Gaja Pippali/ Long pepper – Piper longum

1 part Kali Marich/ Black pepper – Piper nigrum

1 part Shunthi/ Adrak/ Ginger – Zingiber officinalis


The dosage and use of Trikatu are best prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor. However, the safe dose of Trikatu is usually 125 mg to 500 mg a day. The maximum intake of Trikatu can be 1000 mg per day.


Anorexia, Indigestion Chronic non responding Infections


  • The safety of consumption of Trikatu churna by special groups like pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are not studied in detail. Therefore, necessary precautions must be taken. It is advised to consult a physician if you belong to these special groups and are planning to consume this churna. 

Trikatu Churna


  • Vidanga – False black pepper (fruit) – Embelia ribes
  • Saindhava – Rock Salt
  • Yavakshara – Kshara of Barley – Hordeum vulgare
  • Kampillaka – Mallotus philippinensis
  • Haritaki – Chebulic Myrobalan (fruit rind) – Terminalia chebula


  • Vidanga Churna – ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
  • Vidanga Capsule – 1-2 capsule twice a day.


Useful in obesity, diabetes.


The specific precautions to take with vidangarishta will be best explained by your doctor who prescribes it. However, extra care needs to be taken by:

  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers 
  • Elderly individuals
  • Children

Bilvadi Churna


  • Bel
  • Mochras
  • Sontha
  • Dhai ke Phool
  • Bhang
  • Dhaniya
  • Saunf


Consume 1-2 spoonful of Divya Bilvadi Churn with lukewarm water twice/thrice a day or as directed by the physician


  • Gastric discomforts
  • Diarrhoea
  • Bloating sensation
  • Bilwadi Churna is very good medicine for treatment and prevention of diarrhea, dysentery or Sprue syndrome. It helps in relieving the signs and symptoms associated with these problems. It makes sure that body remains hydrated and well-protected against these digestive problems.
  • Bilwadi Churna helps in getting rid of the toxins and waste materials from the body. This in turn ensures normal working of the digestive system. Also it helps in prevention of various health problems which are otherwise caused due to presence of waste materials or toxic substances in the body.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Haritaki Churna

Common nameBotanical NameQuantity
Bal haritakiTeminalia chebula6.5 mg
Erand oilRicinus communis1.6 mg
SunthiZingiber officinales0.5 mg
Sandav lavanSodium chloride impure0.7 mg
SavarchalBlack salt0.2 mg
PippaliPiper Longum    0.2mg


Take 2-5 gm of Divya Haritki Churn twice daily with lukewarm water or as directed by the physician


  • cough
  • constipation, gas, and bloating
  • indigestion
  • detoxification
  • weight loss
  • skin disease
  • metabolism
  • immunity
  • fertility
  • libido
  • cleansing
  • supporting regular bowel movements
  • nourishing and rejuvenating the tissues


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Madhuyasti Churna


Each 5 gram of churna contains: Madhuyashti 5 grams.


Child : ¼ teaspoonful (1gm)

Adult : ½ to 1 teaspoonful (2 to 4 gm) two times a day with honey or as advised by physician.


Hyperacidity, GERD, throat irritation, cough, respiratory diseases, poor memory, improved voice quality.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Pippli Churna


  • Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
  • Substances which help in improving appetite
  • Drugs that improve the secretion of phlegm in the respiratory tract
  • Substances that increases secretion of gastric juice which is beneficial in stimulating the digestive system.
  • A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
  • Substances that improve digestive processes.
  • Drugs that act on the immune system to modify immune response


  • Pippali Churna – 4-8 pinch twice a day
  • Pippali Capsule – 1-2 capsules twice a day
  • Pippali Tablet – 1-2 tablet twice a day


  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Appetizer
  • Distaste
  • Rheumatism
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Rejuvenator
  • Cold
  • Wet and Mucousy conditions of lungs


  • Blood sugar levels may be affected by Indian long pepper. In theory, ingesting more Indian long pepper than that in food could alter blood sugar regulation in people with diabetes. As a result, diabetes drugs may need to be dosed differently.
  • There isn’t much evidence to know if Pippali is safe to use as a medicine during pregnancy or lactation. Hence, it should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.
  • In theory, ingesting more Indian long pepper than that used in food could raise the risk of bleeding in persons who have bleeding disorders.
  • Taking Indian long pepper in higher doses than those found in food could theoretically create bleeding issues or influence blood sugar levels during surgery. At least two weeks before surgery, you should stop taking Indian long pepper in quantities greater than those used in meals.

Sunthi Churna


  • An agent or medicine used to prevent or treat diabetes by managing blood sugar levels.
  • Agents that reduce inflammation or swelling caused due to an injury or infection.
  • Drugs used to treat diarrhoea bu reducing gastric motility
  • Drugs that provide relief from symptoms of nausea and vomitting
  • Agents, which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
  • Agents used for supressing or treating gastric ulcers.
  • Drugs that help to eliminate excess gas from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Agents that improve digestion and aid in food absorption.
  • Substances that can stimulate or reduce the action of immune system molecules in the body.
  • Drugs that are used for reducing acidity of the stomach.
  • Agents which are helpful against microbial growth and actions.


  • Adults: 250 mg to 1 gram twice daily after meals with lukewarm
  • water or milk or as directed by the physician.
  • Children: 125 mg to 500 mg twice daily after meals with lukewarm water or milk.
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken with water.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.


Weight loss, stomach irritation. urinary infections, acne, common cold, headache, chest pain, throat pain


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Ajmodadi Churna


1.Ajmoda (Trachyspermumammi)12
2.Vidanga (Embeliaribes)12
4.Devdaru (Cedrus deodara)12
5.Chitraka (Plumbagozeylanica)12
6.Chitraka (Plumbagozeylanica)12
7.Satapuspa (Anethumgraveolens)12
8.Pipali (Piper longum)12
9.Marica (Piper nigrum)12
10.Pathya (Terminalia chebula)60
11.Vrddhadaruka (Argyreia nervosa)120
12Nagara (Zingiber officinale)120


1/2 to 1 teaspoonful (2 to 4 gm) 2 to 3 times a day after meal with lukewarm water or as advised by physician.


Primary Indications

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pain and swelling due to joint disorders
  • Sciatica
  • Backache
  • Joint pains
  • Rectal pain
  • Brachial neuritis

Other Indications

  • Osteoarthritis (in obese people)
  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Loss of appetite
  • Poor digestive function
  • Intestinal gas
  • Abdominal pain


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Nyagrodhadi Churna


Anogeissus latifolia Dhava Stem bark, Baliospermum montanum Danti Root, Buchanania lanjan Priyala Seed (Kernel), Cajanus cajan Millsp. Adhaki Root, Cassia fistula Aragwadha Fruit pulp, Crataeva nurvala Varuna Stem bark, Emblica officinalis Amalaki Fruit (seed removed), Erythrina variegata Paribhadra Stem bark, Syzygium cuminii Jambu Seed (Kernel), Feronia limonia Kapittha Fruit pulp, Ficus bengalensis  Nyagrodha Stem bark, Ficus glomerata Udumbara Stem bark Ficus religiosa Peepal Stem bark, Glycyrrhiza glabra  Yashtimadhu Root, Gymnema sylvestre Meshasringi Leaf, Holarrhena antidysenterica Kutaja Stem bark
Madhuca indica Madhuka Flower, Mangifera indica Aam Seed (Kernel), Oroxylum indicum Shyonaka Stem bark, Plumbago zeylanica Chitraka Root, Pongamia pinnata Pierre Karanja Seed, Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Vijayasara Stem (Heartwood), f. Bhallataka Seed (Kernel), Symplocos racemosa Roxb. Lodhra Stem bark, erminalia arjuna Arjuna Stem bark, Terminalia bellirica Vibhitaki Fruit, Terminalia chebula Haritaki Fruit, Trichosanthes dioica Patola Leaf.


1-3 gm of churna with honey or as directed by a physician.


   mutraghata roga (urine retension) 
   mutrakrccha (dysuria) 
   prameha () 
   pidaka (carbuncle) 


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the daily recommended dosage

To be used under medical supervision only

Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and sunlight

Panchasakar Churna


Methanol soluble extractive values of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleExtractive Value (Methanol %w/w) ±SEMReference Value (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia)
1.C. angustifolia17.6±1.313≥ 3%
2.T. chebula62.4±1.131≥ 40%
3.Z. officinale7.60±0.566≥ 3%
4.F. vulgare8.80±0.566≥ 4%
5.Formulation IH30.0±0.566
6.Formulation M131.2±1.313
7.Formulation M234.8±0.566
8.Formulation M327.2±0.000

Water soluble extractive values of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleExtractive Value (Methanol %w/w) ±SEMReference Value (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia)
1.C. angustifolia30.0±0.566≥ 25%
2.T. chebula62.8±0.566≥ 60%
3.Z. officinale14.8±0.566≥ 10%
4.F. vulgare6.80±0.566≥ 1%
5.Formulation IH38.4±1.131
6.Formulation M135.6±1.697
7.Formulation M240.0±1.131
8.Formulation M334.8±1.697

Moisture content of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleMoisture content (%w/w)Reference value (%w/w) (Indian Pharmacopoeia, 2007)
1.C. angustifolia3.8≤12
2.T. chebula2.6≤12
3.Z. officinale4.0≤12
4.F. vulgare2.8
5.Formulation IH2.6
6.Formulation M12.6
7.Formulation M23.2
8.Formulation M32.8

Total Ash values of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleAsh value (%w/w) ±SEMReference Value (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia)
1.C. angustifolia9.295±0.120≤14%
2.T. chebula3.125±0.629≤5%
3.Z. officinale5.780±0.170≤6%
4.F. vulgare6.005±0.714≤12%
5.Formulation IH22.93±0.170
6.Formulation M123.77±0.534
7.Formulation M224.09±0.559
8.Formulation M320.85±0.304

Water soluble/Water insoluble Ash values of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleWater insoluble ash value (%w/w)Water soluble ash value (%w/w)
1.C. angustifolia7.4101.970
2.T. chebula0.792.776
3.Z. officinale3.7801.880
4.F. vulgare3.0902.413
5.Formulation IH4.76718.04*
6.Formulation M15.00319.14*
7.Formulation M24.99018.70*
8.Formulation M34.34316.72*

Acid insoluble Ash values of various ingredients of Panchsakar churna and Formulations

Sr. no.SampleAcid insoluble ash valueReference Value (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia)
1.C. angustifolia1.080≤2%
2.T. chebula2.423≤5%
3.Z. officinale1.553
4.F. vulgare1.477≤5%
5.Formulation IH1.450
6.Formulation M11.790
7.Formulation M21.710
8.Formulation M31.427


Take 1 to 2 grams of Baidyanath Panchasakar Churna with lukewarm water or milk 1 to 2 times a day, before or after meals or as directed by your doctor


  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Constipation problems
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Indigestion
  • Headache
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Hyperacidity
  • Colic pain
  • Acidic belching
  • Supports intestinal immunity


  • Higher dose of this medicine may lead to diarrhoea.
  • People with high BP should exercise special precaution while taking this medicine.

Pushyanuga Churna


1.PathaTiktaLaghu, teekshnaUshnaKatuVata, kaphahara
2.Jambu bija majjaKashaya,madhura, amlaLaghu,Ruksha, SheetaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
3.AmraMadhur,Kashaya, AmlaLaghu,RukshaSheetaKatuTridoshahar
4.ShilabhedaTikta, KashayaLaghu, SnigdhaSheetaKatuTridoshahar
5.RasanjanaTikta, KashayaLaghu,RukshaUshnaKatuKaphapittahara
7.MocharasMadhur,KashayaLaghu, SnigdhaSheetaMadhurVatapittahara
8.SamangaTikta, KashayaLaghu,RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
9.PadmakesharTikta, Kashaya, MadhurLaghuSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
10.BahlikaKatu, TiktaSnigdhaUshnaKatuTridoshahar
11.AtivishaKatu, TiktaLaghu,,Ruksha UshnaUshnaKatuKaphapittahara
12.BilvaKashaya, MadhurLaghu,,RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
13.MustaTikta, KashayaLaghu,,RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
15.GairikaKashaya, MadhurSnigdhaSheetaPittahara
16.KatvangaTikta, KashayaRukshaSheetaKatuKaphahara
18.ShunthiKatuGuru, TikshnaUshnaMadhurVatakaphahara
19.MridvikaMadhurGuru, Snigdha,MriduSheetaMadhurPittahara
20.RaktachandanMadhur, TiktaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
21.KatphalaTikta, Kashaya, KatuLaghu,TeekshnaSheetaKatuVatakaphahara
22.VatsakaTikta, KashayaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
23.AnantaMadhur, TiktaGuruSheetaMadhurTridoshahar
24.DhatkiKatu, KashayaLaghu, RukshaSheetaKatuKaphapittahara
25.MadhukaMadhurGuru, SnigdhaSheetaKatuTridoshahar
26.ArjunaKashayaLaghu, RukshaUshnaKatuKaphapittahara


-Take 2-3gm Pushyanug Churna

-Have it with Tandulodak (water extracted after washing rice)

-Once or twice a day, preferably after meals

This helps get rid of the symptoms of leucorrhea or other menstrual problems.


  • Rakta pitta – bleeding disorders
  • Rakta pradara – menorrhagia
  • Swetha pradara – leucorrhoea
  • Guda sruthi – bleeding piles


Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician. The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.

Sitopaladi Churna


  • Sitopala-Suger candy power-16 parts
  • Vamshalochana (inner white light part of bamboo tree)-8 parts
  • Pippali (long pepper) -4 parts
  • Ela (cardamomum)-2 parts
  • Twak (Cinnamon) – 1 parts.


-Take 1-2 grams of Sitopaladi Churna.

-Swallow with honey or ghee once or twice a day

-Avoid taking any food at least 30 minutes taking it to get maximum benefit


Bronchitis, bloodless and cough


Though it is generally termed safe for all including children and pregnant women and devoid of any specific side effects, because of the hot-potent ingredients, it may induce gastric troubles. Also, sweet misri needs a check for diabetic patients. The doses should be monitored and consulting a doctor is always helpful.

Sudarshana Churna


  • Swertia chirata Buch-Ham.
  • Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.
  • Ureria picta, Desv.
  • Jateorrhiza palmate Linn.
  • Curcumma longa Linn.
  • Cedrus deodar Roxb, Loud
  • Acorus calamus Linn.
  • Desmodium trifiorum DC.
  • Terminalia chebula, Retz
  • Alhagi pseudalhagi Bieb. Desv.
  • Rhus succedonia Linn.
  • Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl
  • Zingiber officinale Willd. Rosc.
  • Legenaria siceraria (Mol)Standl.
  • Naregamala alata Linn
  • Azadiracta indica A. Juss.
  • Piper longum Linn.
  • Pavonia odorata Willd.
  • Hedychim Spcatum Ham.
  • Inula racemosa Hook. F.
  • Terminalia belerica Linn.
  • Marsdemia Tenacissima Wight and Arn.
  • Embilica officinale Gaerth.
  • Tinospora cordifolia Willd.
  • Picrorrhiza kurrora Benth
  • Plumbago zeylanica Linn
  • Moringa oleifecalam Lam
  • Asparagus racemosus Willd.
  • Belbelis aristata DC.
  • Didymocarpus pedicellata Willd
  • Nelumbeum speciosum Willd.
  • Pinus roxburghil Sarj.
  • Andropugan muricatus Retz.
  • Cinnamon cassia Blume.
  • Cinnamomum inners Reinw.
  • Desmodium gangaticum DC.
  • Ptychotis coptica DC.
  • Aconytum hetrophullum Wall. Ex Royle
  • Aegle marmelos Corr
  • Piper nigrum Linn
  • Holarrhena antidysentrica Wall.
  • Glycerrhyza glabra Linn.


½ to 1 teaspoonful (2 to 4 gm) two times a day with lukewarm water or as advised by physician.


All types of fever, disorders of liver and spleen,cough, asthma, low back ache and indigestion.


  • Read the label carefully before using Zandu Maha Sudarshan Churna.
  • Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose of Zandu Maha Sudarshan Churna.
  • Keep out of reach of the children.

Talishadya Churna


IngredientsLatin namePart usedQuantity
TalisaAbies webbiana LinnLeaves1g
MarichaPiper nigrum LinnDried fruit2g
ShunthiZingiber officinale RoscRhizome3g
PippaliPiper longum LinnDried fruit4g
VamshalochanaBambosa aruninaceae WildSwetapinda churna5g
TwakCinnamomum Zeylanicum BlumeStem bark½ g
ElaElettaria cardamomum MatonSeeds½ g
Khandasharkara——Sugar candy32g


  • Infants-50 mg per Kg body weight
  • Children-500 mg to 1 gram
  • Adults-1 gram to 3 grams


  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Common cold
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Whooping cough (pertussis)
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Gas or flatulence
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal distension
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anorexia


  • In higher doses,it may cause burning sensation and gastritis.
  • People with diabetes best avoid this, as it contains sugar as an ingredient.

Triphala Churna


  • 5- 10 grams of triphala churna or powder
  • 2 tbsp madhuka or honey
  • 250 ml or 1 cup of water
  • 1 iron vessel


  • Triphala Powder – 1/2-2 teaspoon once or twice a day[9].
  • Triphala Capsule – 1-2 capsules twice a day.
  • Triphala Tablet – 1-2 tablets twice a day.
  • Triphala Juice – 2-3 teaspoon once or twice a day.


  • Weight loss (Obesity)
  • Diabetes
  • Constipation
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal Distension
  • Jaundice
  • Pyorrhea
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Male infertility due to pus in seminal fluid (taken with Dasamoolarishtam)

In Preventive Medicines

  • Cancer
  • Common cold
  • Recurrent infections


Terminalia chebula: It should not be used if you have an acute cough, diarrhoea, or early-stage dysentery.

Laghu Gangadhara Churna


  • Musta – Nut grass Rz. – Cyperus rotundus 1 part
  • Indrayava –Kutaj Seed – Holarrhena antidysenterica 1 part
  • Bilva – Bael Fruit – Aegle marmelos 1 part
  • Lodhra – Lodh tree Stem Bark – Symplocos racemosa 1 part
  • Mocharasa Shalmali Exdute Extract of Bombax malabaricum 1 part
  • Dhataki – Fire flame bush (flower) – Woodfordia fruticosa 1 part


  • The recommended dosage of medicine is 1-3 grams.
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken before the meal.
  • It is to be taken with Takra or buttermilk and Guda/jaggery.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.



pravahika (dysentry)


Self medication with this medicine is strictly not recommended. Take this only under strict medical supervision.

Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.

Diabetic, hypertensive patients, cardiac patients, obese people, pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and children should take this medicine strictly under medical supervision.

Over-dosage may cause constipation.

Keep out of reach and sight of children. Store in a dry cool place.

Jatiphaladya Churna


  • Jatiphala (Myristica fragrans)
  • Tvak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  • Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Tila (Sesamum indicum)
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Lavanga (Syzygium aromaticum)
  • Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)
  • Talisa (Abies webbiana)
  • Nagakesara (Mesua ferrea)
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanicum)
  • Patra (Cinnamomum tamala)
  • Chandana (Santalum album)
  • Tagara (Valeriana wallichi)
  • Upakunchika (Nigella sativa)
  • Tavakshiri (Bambusa bambos)
  • Bhang (Cannabis sativa)
  • Sugar


Use as directed on the label or as advised by your healthcare provide


  1. Premature Ejaculation (temporary use)
  2. Erectile Dysfunction
  3. Loss of libido


  • keep out of the reach of children
  • store it in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Take it only as directed by your physician, and don’t self-medicate.
  • Pregnant women should avoid.
  • It should not be used for more than three weeks at a time unless advised by the doctor.